Labour Market Impact Assessments (LMIAs)
Rosenblatt Immigration Law helps employers import high-demand foreign workers. To hire help from outside the country, Canadian employers must usually apply for a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) from Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC). Except in the case of certain occupations, employers must prove there are no Canadians ready, willing and able to do the job. This requires placing numerous recruitment ads and then providing ESDC with a detailed rationale as to why any Canadian respondents were not qualified for the position. Once the employer obtains the LMIA, the foreign worker can apply for a work permit.
Expert assistance makes the process fast and easy
RIL has extensive experience handling LMIAs and has an excellent record of success. Although there is no legislative act regarding LMIAs, there are many rules and policies in place. We help employers understand these policies and structure the entire case to ensure every aspect is compliant with ESDC standards. This process is complex and requires careful planning and execution. Our firm assists employers in devising a comprehensive foreign worker strategy to maximize the strength of the LMIA application.
We represent employers throughout the process, which includes the following:
- Advise employers on all the appropriate options for bringing foreign workers to Canada.
- Recommend the best strategies for bringing foreign workers to Canada.
- Identify the appropriate occupation titles and prevailing wages.
- Draft suitable employment terms and conditions for the recruitment ads.
- Place recruitment ads on suitable websites.
- Complete the LMIA application.
- Assist and advise on obtaining the necessary supporting documentation.
- Assist with the creation of transition plans.
- Liaise with ESDC.
- Ensure all matters are compliant with the Temporary Foreign Worker Program.
- Reply to audits or investigations.
- Advise the foreign workers regarding the relevant rules, regulations, policies and procedures.
- Represent the foreign workers with respect to the entry visa and work permit.
- Assist the foreign worker with permanent residence.
LMIA Compliance Reviews & Inspections
Employers are subject to random verification reviews and must be prepared to respond to any complaint investigations. We advise employers to ensure they are ready for any audits and represent them through any investigations.
If you are thinking about hiring a foreign worker, we can explain the relevant rules and procedures and make valuable recommendations to make the process as efficient as possible.
Contact us today
RIL can help get you the foreign employees you need